Add to contacts – an examples:

WARNING: if the written invitation is sent, it will arrive in your email. The same goes for the work permit documents, which will be in an email with attachments. Emails with attached documents almost always go to the spam folder where you could miss them. In order our correspondence with you to be secure, we ask you now to do the following:

  1. Please, check your email and find our letter which we have already sent to you. The subject is: “Please confirm your email“.
  2. Because of the verification links in the letter, it’s possible that our email went to your spam folder. In this case, please secure our future correspondence: look/search for our letter in your spam folder and move it to the Inbox: press the ‘Not spam’ button and add us to your contacts. See how:

If your mail is in Gmail

a) Mobile phone: Step 1: find our email to you by checking all mail folders. Step 2: Open our email and click the page bar menu, above right. Click Mark as important.

Pic 1

Pic 2


b) Desktop (pic 1 and 2). Step 1: find our email to you by checking all mail folders. Step 2: Hold the cursor on our email and wait. Step 3: a window will open –  click “More Info”. Step 4: A window will appear on the right or bottom. Click on the “Add to contacts” icon – please see Pic 2 below.

If your mail is in Yahoo (pic 1). Step 1: find our email to you by checking all mail folders. Step 2: Open the email and right-click on our name/ sender name. Step 3: a small window will open –  click the last link below “Add to your contacts”.

Other e-mail providers: please try using both of the methods above. It will be something similar.

 Thank you!

Pic 1:


Pic 2: